Friday, September 4, 2009

Is it more of a ‘Human Change’ than to a ‘Climate Change’?– A Perspective Shift Required!

:A No-mind Sharing ~ A Thought:

Is it more of a ‘Human Change’ than to a ‘Climate Change’?
– A Perspective Shift Required! #

Hari Raj Singh*

Climate is there to change! Do we change or even remotely think of a change (in our daily life)? Is it we to change the climate or we need to change with the climatic (rather cosmos) rhythms! So the whole issue is not of the aptitude but the attitude, which is more of (human) behaviour centric then to technology centric. But alas! We are trying to address the environmental problems via (more of) technological means then to behavioural and sociological. So which way to go? No doubt the (good) technology has been a product of our (human) aptitude, but the misgivings are the product of our attitude. The whole perspective then automatically shifts from the ‘climate change’ factors (mostly embedded in technological pursuits) to the ‘human change’ factors (which is a cosmic complex, and technology is only a part of it). With this shifted paradigm we need to address and analyze our living as a PART of the WHOLE. Thus treating the WHOLE as the solution of a PART. Get Clicking~ start resonating with the cosmic changes ~ solutions will automatically start rolling in!

Remember, humans (in coexistence with nature) have always thrived as a society/ civilization whenever philosophy and thought have held ground above technology and was brutally decimated whenever technology (here technology has an extended meaning-of-nature overdraw by humans) has overwhelmed its mind, body and soul.

So, the problem is not the solution, but it’s the unidirectional bandwagon approach of the humans down the ages. Historically, we have landed our race from one stupidity into the other (we know by the demise of so many ‘yugs’ and civilizations). Even the current scenario of ‘Carbon fixing’, C-credit’, issue of ‘atmospheric common space’, ‘CO2 scrubber installation’, and what not..... seemingly needs a longer natural vision. Let’s begin with ourselves; I am yet an ignorant as regards any of the ‘globetrotting environmental saviour (human)’ to work out his/ her ‘PERSONAL CARBON AUDIT', least to talk of our neighbourhood and what to talk of the state, where we find most of the calculations are done on (political & presumed) assumptions (which are obviously not the reality!). The issue assumes a serious dimension when we find that such an expert questions the rice produced under submerged water conditions by the (small and marginal) farmer as it adds to the methane (CH4) load of the atmosphere BUT without realizing that he/ she (the farmer) is doing it for the sake of his bare minimum survival and NOT to earn fortunes to travel in jets/boiengs and live in five/ seven star hotels or attend UN meetings! Now let’s examine another dimension of society; the more and more of the urban centric human society thinks that they are the byproduct of themselves (here I may be putting a biased opinion?). While the fact is that we are all a resultant of ‘mother nature’. Side by side we also find increased sense of realization/ respect towards elements of nature in this urban society, but it is most of the time human bias centric! Or cosmetic/ ritualistic (celebrating all sorts of day’s viz. food/ environment /earth/ water………… and so on, what about rest of the 364 days?), After all we are trapped in a self created maze.

Coming back to the issue of the BIG-‘C’, is anyone thinking that in this race (unidirectional) what if we fix more carbon than actually required (and actually no one knows how much need to be fixed as we accept in principle that humans still need to understand the majority of nature)? What if we in the process lead to the excessive cooling? OR create an O2 richer environment (as we intend to plant greens –greens and greens)? And lot much unexplored………………. The idea is, are we in a state to perceive the ‘Totality of Situation’? I believe ’NOT’! Again, the histories is the reason for it, we, as humans, over the time line (from Stone Age down to Virtual Age) have over and over again presumed to be well versed with nature, did anyone ever realized at the start of the Industrial Revolution that ‘WE WILL LAND UP WITH SPOILING THE BASIC FABRIC OF MOTHER NATURE’ to this extent one day? So when we reflect back we find ourselves more ignorant then learned. Then what is the actual need? Probably logic and knowledge ways are not all; actually there is a lot more than that- be it emotions, feelings, intuition, spiritual, even illogic......and all that nature permits us (life) to be, to find an appropriate solution. Ultimately, we need to match our pace with the evolutionary pace of nature and the stride with the consistent march of time. NO MORE Fight Against Nature WE NEED TO BE Living With It AND NO MORE Race Against Time WE GOT TO Get Along With It and let the cosmic music play on…………………………..sans beginning and the end.

(#Thanks for your attention and bearing with the abstractness of ideas)

Hari Raj Singh
B.Sc.Ag. & A.H. (Hons.),
M.Sc.Ag. (Soil Sc.), C.E.S. ,C.D.M.
Consultant (Watershed Dev. / Disaster Mgt.)
110, Indira Nagar Colony, (P.O. New Forest) Dehra Dun. 248 006. Uttarakhand. INDIA
Tel: 91 + 135 + 2768962, 0 941 2768962 Fax: 91 + 135 + 2760334 (Attn.)